
.photo fun.

June 23, 2008

Busy busy...

Or so it would seem...I meant to come update this blog much sooner...but settling into a new computer, well a new hard drive, is a pain and takes forever.

The kids aren't quite halfway through their summer and they are so stir crazy.  It has gotten so hot so it is hard to get out and do anything. But I have been trying to get them out to the city activities.  We started going to Fabulous Fun Fridays on the 12th.  Each Friday the parks and rec. here organize games for kids to come play.  the first week was a Super Hero theme so they played games with teams being heroes against villains.  It was nice out and the kids had a good time.  Afterward the zoo brings some animals for the kids to see and educate them about them.  The first week they brought reptiles.  There was a boa constrictor, a corn snake, a blue-tongue skink, a leopard gecko and a desert tortoise.
The boys head to head in a race!  Seth may be younger but he does a good job of keeping up with his brother!


My kids cracked me up with the JELL-O eating contest.  They were too neat and careful.
But that was their favorite part of the day.

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A much needed drink break!

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Corbin jumps in and gets involved with everything! He loves all the activities they have for them.


Seth was super excited to be put on his brother's team and be a Super Hero!


The girls love to play with the Hula Hoops!

Seeing and petting the animals was a real treat!

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And of course...MANY MORE PICS HERE!

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